Monday, July 9, 2012

Highland 4th of July Parade

This year was the 5th Annual Highland 4th of July Parade and once again the event drew many families, nieghbors and business owners to the parade and picnic in the park.  The festivities began with an old fashion parade led by a vintage fire engine from the Berkeley Gardens fire department.  Scores of children and adults on decorated bikes, wagons, roller blades and scooters followed behind.  The parade route went down W. 32nd Ave. ended in Hirshorn Park for live   music, hotdogs, a bouncy castle and games.  Children lined up to participate in the three legged, potato sack and wheel barrow races while their parents cheered them on and awaited their chance to participate in the races as well.  The Firemen from Station 7 stopped by to provide a surprise cool down to the crowd by spraying us all with their fire hose which then kicked off the water balloon fight (2,500 water ballloons!!!).  The event wound down with a 60 foot ice cream sundae provided by Little Man Ice Cream.  Children lined up for an opportunity to dig into the giant sundae topped with whipped cream, spinkles and chocolate sauce.  This is a great family event that has grown in attendance year after year.  It provides a fun and safe environment for the kids and allows friends and neighbors to gather to celebrate the holiday.  As the neighborhood continues to draw more trendy bars and resturants, and as Highland is touted in news papers and magazines as the "hip" and "hot" neighborhood in Denver, it is nice to experience the sense of small town and community which originally drew many of us to Highland before it really took off.

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